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Quality Assured, Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are a direct primary-care practice. This means you have a one-on-one relationship with your physician, without any interference from insurance carriers or government entities. Each DirectCare.MD physician is limited to 600 patients. Therefore, we get to spend more time with you, whenever you need it, no matter the time of day or the day of the week. We don’t accept insurance, but don’t let that scare you. Most of our patients save money as DirectCare.MD members.

We can help you find the combination of health care and health insurance that saves money and results in better quality service. We even have several insurance specialists available for you!

Quality Treatment. Guaranteed. Call Today: 815-393-6500


7117 Crimson Ridge Dr, Ste 3, Rockford, IL 61107 | P: 815-393-6500 | F: 310-356-4935 | E:
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